

Chapter Five


Days later, after fighting an incredibly persistent storm front, a bedraggled figure touches down in front of the timeworn, Council Chambers. After being swept onto the shoulders of a particularly burly guard they follow a wedge of other officers as they gently force their way through the gathered crowd.

After quickly adopting the Machine's requirements the Council adjourns. They immediately begin the lengthy process of informing the people of what must be accomplished to once more gain the support of the Machines. As the months crawl by Word of the agreement slowly spreads to welcome ears.

Whilst all are accustomed to the name Eschtalon, they sadly remember their past. It is because of because of this past that the people of the Central Worlds have nothing but hatred and loathing for Eschtalon and its inhabitants. Hoping with all of their hearts that the Machine's requirements are enough, the people begin the daunting task that would become known to generations to come as "The Cleansing".

A slow wave of change sweeps the planet, washing the name of Eschtalon from all except the world's history chips. These small fragments of crystal are kept safe for the day when the libraries shall once again re-open. As the name of New Quantum springs forth, the people's joy knows no bounds.

(Months earlier)

Lazarous is greeted upon his return to the capitol by the sight of people swarming through the streets, ripping and tearing the name of Eschtalon into oblivion. As the finely made, albeit well worn, signs of old are replaced by crude, handwritten ones, the people's enthusiasm grows.

He lands quietly by a once ornate but now barely functional rear doorway within the Council Building. With a distinctive, grating squeak the rusted door haltingly opens. Joining his brother he finds that the preliminary plans for the Academy have been completed. It is painfully obvious that the planning has not gone as smoothly as he would have liked; for in his absence there have been many intense arguments dealing with the above mentioned plans. Vashdon easily slides a well worn piece of paper across a cracked and splinter riddled table toward his brother.

Seconds later Lazarous has absorbed what is written within the short document. Each student shall participate in five years of intensive course work and physical training.

Lazarous and Vashdon shall procure and supervise the instructors for the Academy, including those from off world.

Students shall participate in a week of indoctrinations, mandatory health checks, tours of the campus and dormitory assignments.

Implantation of the abilities which shall accompany each student until their deaths shall occur through the use of the weakened testing chamber during this week.

Lazarous quietly nods his approval to the Council. He quickly adds that their schooling should involve training in the sciences, individual rights and justice, history, and other world cultures. During this time the students must receive the necessary physical and mental training to enable them to gain control of his abilities. He calmly "eyes" those present. "Does this meet with the Council's approval," he quietly asks.

"It does," says the President with a nod.

"I approve as well, my brother," interjects Vashdon.

The Council members adjourn, smiling with relief as they leave the brothers by themselves.

"A good beginning, my brother."

"Indeed, Vashdon. But do you believe flight, resistance to physical injury, the generations of an energy shield, physical strength, augmented by much weight work of course, the ability to discharge Quantum Energy with one hand and the generation of Quantum filaments with the other hand sufficient?"

"I do indeed, Laz. If the individual's concentration level is as it should be those abilities should be sufficient."

Lazarous nods. "Concentration is indeed the key, V. Their training must ensure that it is second nature to them."

"No argument here, Laz. Without their concentration they have nothing."

The brothers finally kick back, heels on the table and their arms folded behind their heads. They quietly stare at the late afternoon sky through the holes in the celling.

Lazarous softly chuckles. "Do you think that the Council would have been so happy if they had known about the chips?"

"I doubt it," says Vashdon with a snicker.

The chips which the brothers are talking about are known as super conducting, at the bodies temperature, biological nano chips. The implantation of these chips is a necessary procedure which takes place just after the graduation ceremony.

You see, even though the students possess the aforementioned powers, they are merely rudimentary in nature, and for the most part, ineffective. This all changes after their graduation; for at that time each student is presented with a container the approximate size of a jewelry box. The graduates are then ushered into a building consisting of many small, soundproof rooms.

The box which each graduate has received contains literally millions upon millions of the chips, each designed by the Machines especially for that person's unique physiology. A marvel of biotechnology farming, the chips not only absorb the power which flows through the Plain itself but they also aid in the repair of any damaged tissues within the organism in which they reside.

The beauty of the little buggers is deceptive; for although they provide a beautiful, rippling, iridescent sight within their resting place, the pain that they cause upon implantation is merely a heartbeat away. As each graduate stares at their beauty within the opened box, the chips swarm upwards, burrowing into and throughout his entire body.

Two hours later, give or take, each blood covered graduate lays quietly within his "room." As he savors the lack of pain he realizes that all of his powers, including that of flight, have now been increased to an effective level.

Unique among the received chips are those which have burrowed into the former student's brain. It is these chips which provide each Quantum Man with his Quantum Intelligence.

This intelligence forms a connection between the host's brain and the vast data networks and Neural Net which reside with the machines and computers upon New Quantum. Only the individual Quantum Man can hear and talk to his Quantum Intelligence, (QI) for short. The individual QI proves to be an invaluable resource in the field; for it provides vast amounts of information to its host.

The QI's detailed scans of areas and objects provide the information which each QM needs to make his decisions, many of them involving the life and death of not only him but others as well. The results of each scan can either be presented "verbally" within the mind of the Quantum Man (QM), or in a holographic projection (HP) which is only visible to the individual QM. And lastly, the QI can present its own opinions, sometimes welcomed and at other times more of an annoyance, aka, pain in the ass, than a help.

With the guidance and help of the two brothers the Quantum Academy is brought to fruition. Five years later, the first class of ten graduates.

It takes two more years of difficult negotiations and persuasion to convince the other worlds to allow Quantum Men from New Quantum to be stationed upon those worlds; for even though five hundred plus years have passed, the people of each world vividly remember the history of what had transpired under Eschtalon's "dictatorship." Despite these grave reservations the other worlds are gradually convinced that the motives of New Quantum are now genuine. As a result new QM are gradually dispatched to the other worlds where they help the people and aid in the defense of each planet.

To become a Quantum Man and to help atone for what was done in the past is considered one of the greatest honors achievable upon New Quantum. However, the position of Quantum Man carries a great risk, one born willingly; for of all who graduate, not one makes it to his retirement age. Even so, the applications for admittance grow larger with every passing year.

The brothers eventually yield to the council's pressure and expand. Each beginning class slowly grows from ten to eventually one hundred; a size which the brothers absolutely refuse to increase. After due consideration the council finds themselves in complete agreement with Vashdon and Lazarous. And so to this very day no further expansion has been attempted. In its long and storied history, there has been only one replacement for an inductee into the Academy; and for whatever reason that person was not well liked by any of his classmates, teachers and most administrators save one.


Chapter Six

As time passes Lazarous begins to notice a certain restlessness and discontent within the mind of his brother. When questioned about the change Vashdon simply shakes his head and tells his brother that it is of no concern of his. Lazarous is able to accept that; for Vashdon continues to perform his duties exceptionally well.

As decades slowly turn into centuries, Vashdon becomes increasingly discontented with his duties and openly hostile to his brother. One fateful evening after the day's classes had reached their completion Lazarous decides that the time had come to confront his brother concerning his attitude.

Finding his brother proves to be no problem; for the energy bursts which Vashdon is discharging from the top of the old Student Union Building illuminate the entire campus.

"Brother Vashdon I am concerned about you. I wish to know what has happened so that I may be of help to you," says a worried Lazarous. "You no longer seem interested in the Academy or the principles which the Ancient One gave us so long ago."

Another defiant burst of energy streams into the heavens. Vashdon lowers his hands and slowly turns to face his brother.

"Lazarous; I find that I am no longer content here," replies Vashdon coldly. "See the power which I possess." A second energy burst burns its way skyward turning the clouds above blood red. .... Snicker .... "That was child's play," Vashdon says, the lack of emotion within his voice apparent. "My power is great brother. I have finally come to my senses. I now realize that it has become a waste of my time, intellect, and talents watching over these children. There is so much for me out there," he says as his hands sweep across the heavens.

"Vashdon, you know not what you say," pleads a shocked and saddened Lazarous.

"I disagree, brother. Believe me; I know exactly what I am saying. It may surprise you, Lazarous, but for a great many years I have been acquiring as much knowledge from the machines as I could. They stupidly believed that my interest was to help the students here." Cruel laugh. "Tell me, Lazarous; did you know that the Quantum Plain not only moves through this galaxy but throughout all of creation?"

"I have not thought deeply upon that matter, my brother. I have been more concerned with the school and its' students."

"Why am I not surprised," Vashdon asks, the icy lilt of his "voice" bringing a chill to his brother's very soul. "With you it has always been the school and what the council wants," snaps Vashdon angrily.

"I thought that that was the way you felt as well," Lazarous quietly replies.

"For a brief time, it was. That attitude quickly changed when I at last fully realized my potential and what my calling truly is. You see brother, I no longer wish to serve. I have come to realize that it is my destiny to rule."

A conversation from the dim past flashes through the mind of Lazarous. What the old Machine had told him many centuries before is made truth this very night. "You are brothers, yes. However, you each have your own lives to live, your own paths to follow. Those paths are not necessarily the same." A sudden flash of insight floods the mind of Lazarous. He knows what Vashdon is planning.

"This you cannot do, my brother," pleads Lazarous. "To use your power and knowledge for anything other than to help these students would be wrong."

Vashdon's mind has now turned cold to his brother's touch. And his reply, as cold as ice. "You have your version of what life should be, and I have mine, brother. If you attempt to stop me; this very night I shall destroy this entire complex and everyone within it."

Vashdon streaks skyward leaving his violently shaking brother alone upon the roof. Knees buckle sending the stunned teacher crashing to the old roof.

... Seconds later...

A burst of blinding energy turns the canopy of low lying clouds blood red. Deep within him Lazarous knows that his brother has somehow managed to open and then enter the Quantum Plain.

Long hours pass as he weakly sits under what has now become a partially, cloud filled sky. He finds that he is unable to look away from the darkened heavens; for this very night he has lost his brother forever. The sick feeling within his heart; almost unbearable.

His mind drifts backwards through the countless centuries to the two young brothers who had come out of the hill country of Maas. He recalls with fondness their adventures during their journey to the council and their trials with the Academy. If the people of Maas were capable of tears, Lazarous would have wept bitterly. Instead his heart is overcome by such sorrow that its weight threatens to crush it.

Lazarous was not found at his usual place on campus when the still nervous students awoke for the day's classes. Having all heard and seen the strange things which had transpired the night before they sensed with alarm that something may have happened to their beloved teacher. A search of the campus is immediately organized. In due course the students find their teacher sitting upon the roof of the old Student Union Building. Sensing a great sadness about him they inquire as to its cause. Other than quietly insisting that they all begin their daily classes he says nothing.

The depression which Lazarous suffers continues for months, his sadness making it almost impossible for him to survive each day. And at night comes the dreams; unending, disturbing dreams of massive destruction, death, torture, and giant war machines which crush all that oppose them. After several months he can stand it no longer. Placing his assistant in charge of the Academy he flies north. The flight which he now undertakes brings back painful memories of a happier time when both he and Vashdon had journeyed northward for the first time.

At long last his journey northward ends ... He finds what he has been seeking. The Ancient One looks as it had those many centuries before, smaller than the other machines and apart from them.

The flow of communication begins before Lazarous touches the great Machine.

"Very sad and troubled you are," comes the understanding thoughts.

"Yes ... I do not believe that I can stand the sadness and terror much longer," replies a greatly depressed Lazarous.

"Your life is a journey, Lazarous. You have many things which must be completed during that journey. If you choose to end your life prematurely," the machine ominously continues, "the many things which you must accomplish shall remain undone. And if that happens; the balance of all that we know may well be undone." The machines' tone is not a judgmental one but one of compassion for the teacher which he has loved for so long.

"But I don't feel that I".....

"You can continue, Lazarous," urges the great Machine. "You have more strength than you are aware of."

"But my sadness is overwhelming during the day. And at night; my dreams .. my dreams are terrible," Lazarous quietly adds, the horror within his voice apparent.

"The love of your Creator is great, and closer to you than you realize, Lazarous. Seek it out; for it can greatly help you. As for your dreams," continues the Machine, the sadness within His voice overwhelming, "they convey a reality which is almost too horrible to contemplate."

"What? I ah, I do not understand." Lazarous shakes his head in frustration.

"What you must realize, Lazarous is that you and your brother remain close mentally. It is only at night, when your mind is at rest, that you are able to briefly see what he sees."

"You mean....." gasps Lazarous.

"I see that your mind now grasps what is occuring. But you must consider yourself fortunate; for your dreams have given you only the briefest of glimpses into what your brother has done and is continuing to do.

As you correctly surmised; that night when he left you upon that roof, he opened the Quantum Plain and traveled to a distant galaxy. It is there that he has destroyed, tortured and imprisoned many in his quest for power," says the old Machine, the sadness within his voice overpowering.

"I should have stopped him when I had the chance," Lazarous quietly says.

"You could have done nothing at that time," councils the Machine. "His power was too great."

"Then from that day forward I should have been working to enhance my own powers just as he had done,"Lazarous angrily interjects.

"No Lazarous, you have been conducting your life just as you should have - overseeing the Academy and helping this planet recover from its past. Tis Vashdon that is the aberration, not you."

"Then you must help me to grow stronger so that I can once again face my brother," Lazarous all but demands. He quickly calms himself; for it was unwise to make demands of the old machine.

"That I shall not do, my friend; for the being with which you talked that evening had ceased to be your brother long before that fatefull night. And sadly his power has only increased since that meeting. I fear that a confrontation with him would only bring about your own destruction. And that is something which I could not bear."

"But .. How can that be? He was my brother," insists Lazarous. "I saw him."

"You speak only of his appearance, Lazarous. I see within your memory that when you last spoke to him his mind seemed cold to you. Is this not the case?"

"Yes.....there was a change," Lazarous thoughtfully says. "His mind seemed different somehow - not the same."

"Your memory serves you well, my old friend. Physically he had not changed; but his mind; his soul if you will, was not the same. As a matter of fact, your brother had been changing for quite sometime. Twas your love for him that blinded you to this fact."

"Because of that love many have died," Lazarous sadly says.

"You must not blame yourself for the actions of your brother, Lazarous. He was lost to you a very long time ago. His actions were and continue to be his own. You share no blame for them."

"Then why didn't you do something to stop him," pleads Lazarous.

"I know much, Lazarous ......but not all," quietly replies the sad machine. "Perhaps thirty of your years ago I began to suspect that he had changed; but twas not until very recently that my suspicions were confirmed.

You see my young friend, a very long time ago Vashdon had a theory that travel within the Plain might be possible without the aid and protection of our ships. To that end he began to dedicate a great deal of his time and effort. Imported and used machines and compounds of alien manufacture he did.

The methods which he employed in his experimentations still remain a mystery to me. I suspect, but cannot prove, that his ultimate purpose was to alter the bodies' physiology in such a way that would enable it to withstand the Plain's energy matrix. After much deliberation I concluded that his endeavors could well have begun at or about the time that the Academy was founded."

"That long ago," gasps Lazarous.

"Yes. I believe that the changes within your brother's body must have occurred very slowly over the centuries. I can only assume that the alien machines and compounds which he was using affected him in ways that he had no understanding of. In essence and without his knowledge, he actually became his own experimental subject. And judging from your dreams, and on a strictly dispassionate level, he did accomplish what he set out to do. Unfortunately the results proved to be quite horrific," adds the machine quietly.

"After comparing the data which he had acquired on the Plain and his own physiology, I have concluded that the interaction between the two would have almost torn his body apart."

"Even after his body had been altered?"

"Yes. Your brother's intellect allowed him to achieve what he had set out to do. But any further contact with the Plain, even in a ship, shall most certainly bring about his destruction."

"So wherever he is, there he shall remain?"

"That is my suspicion, Lazarous. But you must bear in mind that the data which I used for analysis was not complete. I arrived at my conclusions using many assumptions," the Machine cautiously says.

"Then I must at least make some attempt to find him," protests Lazarous.

"The distances involved and galaxy numbers within this universe alone are so great that even someone with your lifespan could never hope to find him ... He is - very powerful, Lazarous," cautions the old Machine.

"Perhaps in the distant future, if it is your destiny, you shall once again confront him. But now is not your time. Now is the time for you to ensure the Academy's success. Help all of the students as much as possible; for they are all important. We shall talk of one such student in particular when the proper time presents itself."

"Very well, Ancient One," Lazarous says with a respectful bow. "I shall do as you ask."

"I hope that our brief exchange has eased your mind, my young friend."

"Indeed it has, Sir. Your thoughts have helped me greatly and I thank you from the bottom of my heart."

"Most welcome you are. Always remember Lazarous, you shall find The Creator's love where and when you need it."

Contact abruptly ends.

Lazarous turns away from the machine and lifts slowly into the air. With new drive and purpose he turns south, back toward his beloved school and students.

As time passes and the sadness within his heart lessens, Lazarous re-dedicates himself to the wellbeing and advancement of his students. But also greatly seeks to improve and strengthen his own powers for the day when he will once again face Vashdon.

As the centuries unfold, classes began and end. Quantum Men graduate and leave to take their places on far flung worlds just as their predecessors have done. And Lazarous is always there, watching them begin and complete their education at the Academy. He also buries a great many of them with honor, upon New Quantum.

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